Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Avaliação do sistema de gerenciamento eletrônico de documentos SIPAC módulo protocolo do Instituto Federal Farroupilha Campus Santo Augusto
2017-06-30Registro en:
REIS, D. P. Avaliação do sistema de gerenciamento eletrônico de documentos SIPAC módulo protocolo do Instituto Federal Farroupilha Campus Santo Augusto. 2017. 54 p. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Arquivologia)–Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, 2017.
Reis, Dulcineia Paim
This work aimed to evaluate the GIS system integrated management system that is characterized in an electronic document management system used in the Federal Institute Farroupilha of the Campus Santo Augusto. The system is divided into four modules, being the SIGAA academic, SIPAC administrative, SIGGP people management and SIGA administration and communication. The research was carried out in the protocol module for the analysis of the SIPAC administrative module in which it meets the mandatory requirements of e-ARQ Brazil. It was verified that the physical documents that are part of the processes are not appended in the system, but only the references of the same ones are registered being some of obligatory item. With regard to the process of gathering documents for evaluation and destination, it does not meet the specificities recommended by a SIGAD. There is no documental management plan to ensure the importance of the life cycle of documents so that their objectives can be fulfilled. The electronic document management system meets only a few mandatory requirements of e-ARQ Brazil, but does not address the issue of electronic and physical archiving of documents produced and received as recommended by the national CONARQ archives council.