Base Nacional Comum Curricular do Ensino Médio: uma análise crítica do eixo da prática de análise linguística/semiótica
Padoin, Verônica Lorenset
This research aims to investigate how the Linguistic Analysis Practice is contemplated in skills in the
National Common Curricular Base (BNCC) of High School, considering the context in which the
document was produced and the pedagogical foundations of Portuguese language curriculum
component. The general objective unfolds into the following specific objectives: i) identify and analyze
the pedagogical foundations that guide the high school stage and the Portuguese language curricular
component; ii) analyze Portuguese language skills considering the nature of the processes (cognitive
processes), the nature of the participants (objects of knowledge) and the circumstances (learning
context) in light of the transitivity system of Systemic-Functional Grammar. The theoreticalmethodological contribution consists of a historical rescue of High School in Brazil, from the first
secondary education establishment to the latest changes provided for by Law nº 13.415/2017 and
materialized by the National Common Curricular Base of High School, in addition to a brief overview of
Portuguese language teaching in Brazil (SOARES, 2004), which includes the emergence and
establishment of the concept of Linguistic Analysis Practice (GERALDI, 1997; 2011 [1984]; FRANCHI,
1992 [1987]) and its main concepts, and the basic aspects of Systemic-Functional Linguistics
(HALLIDAY; MATTHIESSEN, 2014), chosen as the analysis theory. The corpus is constituted by the
National Common Curricular Base of High School, specifically by the sections dedicated to the area of
Languages and its technologies and to the Portuguese language curricular component and to the
linguistic/semiotic analysis skills of this component. The results of the analysis indicate that the BNCC
was a document constructed in the face of a troubled historical period, marked by political tension, which
had a direct impact on its structure and organization, thus demonstrating the direct relationship between
the context of production and the text. Regarding the foundations that guide the High School stage, it
was possible to identify five dimensions: i) youth and youth cultures; ii) life project; iii) curriculum
flexibility; iv) new digital technologies; and v) world of work and development of critical thinking. These
dimensions are also mobilized in the Portuguese language curricular component based on the
relationship with linguistic phenomena. In this case, the dimensions of youth and youth cultures, new
digital technologies and the development of critical thinking stand out. The High School BNCC proposes
54 skills, of which 11 mobilize objects of knowledge from the practice of language linguistic/semiotic
analysis, which made up the corpus of analysis. From the investigation carried out, we could realize that
the identified skills mobilize the Linguistic Analysis Practice, considering that they recover the
characteristic theoretical-methodological aspects of Linguistic Analysis Practice. Despite this, it should
be noted that these skills are not distributed across all fields of activity, and there is a certain imbalance
in the mobilization of language practices, given that skills involving PAL are a minority in relation to other
teaching axes. Furthermore, a significant portion of the analyzed skills deviate from the typical structure
presented by the Base, which may impair the recontextualization of language practices in the classroom.