Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Educação ambiental na escola: conscientização da necessidade de proteção da camada de ozônio
Santos, Elaine Teresinha Azevedo dos
So much has been talk and write about the biggest problems of humanity, cause by
super population and for the industrial development, but each person has a different
point of view about what is happening with the environment. This work aims to study
the environmental education in school: the need to protect the ozone layer, and
intend to give information about the main causes of the ozone layer destruction and
its consequences. The main objective is to develop educational actions with students
of the 3ª degree class of the Polytechnic College of the Federal University of Santa
Maria – UFSM, and work with them about questions and environment problems,
more specifically about the problem of the ozone layer. The methodology used here
covered active methods in class, lectures, books, folders, etc, with the aim to make
the student aware of the need to protect the ozone layer. It was determined that
nowadays the Environmental Education in School is a very efficient instrument to
teach and apply sustainable interactions between nature and society. It is the way
which each individual could change his habits and practice new attitudes which lead
to a minimum environmental degradation, increase live quality and reduce the
pressure over the planet environmental resources.