Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Projeto e implementação de um conversor cc-cc elevador de tensão para uma bancada didática de eletrônica de potência e controle digital de sistemas.
2017-08-11Registro en:
Piussi, A. D. Projeto e implementação de um conversor cc-cc elevador de tensão para uma bancada didática de eletrônica de potência e controle digital de sistemas. 2017. 95 p.[17] f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Engenharia de Controle e Automação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, 2017.
Piussi, Alexandre Dellamora
The main purpose of this report is the development of a DC-DC step-up, also known as a boost converter, which will compose a didactic workbench that will aid in the teaching of Power Electronics. Through a market research regarding products that are already commercialized, it is remarkable the high cost necessary to equip a Power Electronics laboratory, for that reason also there is the concern with the cost of the converter to be projected, aiming considerable savings in relation to equipment available on the market. In
addition to the market research related to teaching kits, the report also reviews the functioning of the boost converter and researches the different teaching methodologies that have been implemented in the field of Power Electronics and other engineering areas. In addition to the DC-DC step-up converter itself, the control instrumentation and gate-driver circuit, both
required for the converter to operate properly, are detailed in this report. Regarding the project of the converter, MATLAB® software is adopted for sizing and choosing the components to be used in your printed circuit board, in order to allow the user of the converter to perform different experiments by changing its main parameters. It is reported the practical results obtained with the implementation of open loop and closed loop control of the boost converter, through the ATMEGA328p microcontroller, making a comparison between the answers found and what was expected according to simulations and sizing. Finally, a survey is made of the necessary expenses for the kit design (boost converter, control instrumentation and gate-driver circuit), allowing a comparison to the products currently commercialized