Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Arquitetura de software: microsserviços
Pivetta, Lucas
Architectures based in monoliths and microservices are the most common
architectures present nowadays in the software industry. It is worth highlighting the growing interest with respect to microservices and their benefits, where companies of differents sizes and types migrate their monoliths to microservices, or start new projects in a microservices-based architecture. A monolithic application can be defined as a unified unit, while a microservices-based application is a collection of small and independent services. Nonetheless, the choice for microservices adds greater complexity to both the system and the organization, and such choice must be carefully made. This work starts by presenting a brief software architecture history overview, compares and describes both approaches, defines the main components used in a microservice-based architecture and ends with an example implementation of a simple and fictitious application using an architecture based on microservices.
The objective of this work is to analyze and understand the main points of use of
each architecture and, in addition, research the main components of a microservicebased architecture to obtain as a final result an implementation that demonstrates the use and challenges of microservices.