Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Cooperação sanitária Brasil-Brics: complementação econômica ou estruturação de sistemas de saúde?
Tronco, Pietro Barrios
The present research is part of a research agenda developed at UFSM that empirically
investigates health cooperation among developing countries to assess the extent to which and
how it can be an instrument for the realization of human rights. In this study, the aim is to
understand South-South cooperation in the health sector through the analysis and interpretation
of international agreements signed between Brazil and the other countries that make up BRICS
- Russia, India, China, and South Africa. The objective is to examine the profile of this
cooperation in order to determine if it follows a larger pattern of Brazilian health cooperation
already identified by other academic studies, such as structural and emergency health
cooperation, as both models are observed in Brazil's cooperation with countries in Latin
America and Africa. In this sense, the present investigation questions the agenda to which
Brazil-BRICS health cooperation corresponds, namely, whether it follows a logic of
institutional strengthening characteristic of structural health cooperation or if it follows more
traditional logics of medical supply transfer and economic complementation. To this end, a
quantitative and qualitative analysis was conducted based on documentary research to locate
the Brazilian approach to the sector. Two questions guide this research: does the formalization
of the BRICS group catalyze health cooperation with the involved countries, transcending the
trade-oriented agenda for which it was created? Does Brazil-BRICS health cooperation only
involve economic complementation or does it invest in the structuring of health systems? The
results of this investigation suggest that the bilateral dimension of health cooperation between
these countries does not catalyze health cooperation, as it is incipient and scattered in terms of
the issues addressed by the agreements. Additionally, the results indicate a mixed agenda of
health cooperation, encompassing elements of emergency cooperation and structural