Método do Ó e o SM-LEGO: ferramentas para a educação musical com acessibilidade
Bisogno, Rafael Ecke
The search for new pedagogical practices to reduce the difficulty in the musical education
process has resulted in the growth of the use of new technologies. Besides, these specialized
methodologies are capable of bringing advantages to the teaching process. In this
context, the present research proposes the use of an alternative musical notation system,
called Do Ó Method, to assist in the process of teaching and learning music. This notation
system allows the reading and writing of a rhythmic pattern without the need for students
to have previous knowledge of music theory. This research has a quantitative approach
supported by a qualitative approach. The experimental, obtained in the application of an
experiment to validate the Do Ó Method, served as a basis for the development of a computational
tool called SM-LEGO (Simple Method-LEarnig GOals). SM-LEGO performs the
translation of a rhythmic pattern, written in a traditional score, to the Do Ó Method notation,
allowing the user to visualize the translation result in the program interface, save it in a new
file output, as well as perform the printing of 3D objects, called MusicLEGO. MusicLEGO
pieces can be build on a board and their reading can even be performed using the tactile
system. This feature expands the use of the Do Ó Method, enabling the use of these pieces
by people who are blind or have low vision. Through the evaluation experiment, the Do
Ó Method, SM-LEGO, and MusicLEGO pieces were established as educational tools. We
conclude that these tools can be used in music teaching for people with and without Special
Educational Needs (SEN), as well as in music education in a playful way. This study was
financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001.