Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Graduação
Cura e fé: um estudo de caso na comunidade Acafe no município de Santana - AP
2015Registro en:
SANTOS, Cheila Cristina Custódio dos
The article discusses the action of ACAFE therapeutic community in the (re)
education of drug addicts, faith healing from three areas: a) the theological axis - through
spirituality recovery; b) the coercive axis - through the norms and rules of the Bylaws; c) the
language - by building a new framework. Considering that these elements act as part of a
process that seeks to create conditions of autonomy, developing for the consumer of
psychoactive substances control of your will. The possibility of abandoning the use / abuse
involves the following situations: a) Partial use, controlled use or over-use and total
abstinence. The method used in this study is the descriptive history. The research used as
theoretical studies of the authors Emile Durkheim when comes to Social Anomie, Erving
Goffman to address the concept of Total Institution and how this applies in the Therapeutic
Community and De Leon, among other researchers. It proposes reflections to develop actions
aimed at understanding and possible solution to the social phenomenon.