Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Graduação
Estudo dos impactos socioambientais provocados pela construção da usina hidrelétrica Ferreira Gomes, AP (2014-2019)
21-12-2020Registro en:
MIRANDA, Ana Paula Teixeira
RODRIGUES, Carmem Lima
In the Amazon, hydroelectric dams are responsible for negatively modifying the lives of many communities, through resettlement, social problems and precarious sources of income, such as in Ferreira Gomes, Amapá, where the construction of HPP Ferreira Gomes, located on the Araguari River, has been causing fish mortality, directly impacting the Z-7 Fisheries Colony, decreasing its income and livelihood. Faced with this problem, this research was guided by the following questions: questions what were the development discourses adopted by the State and energy companies for the installation of hydroelectric plants? What socio-environmental impacts and mitigating actions have been taken by the state and energy companies? How did the population of affected people of Ferreira Gomes organize themselves in the face of the socio-environmental impacts that affected their daily lives? Based on these questions, hypotheses were elaborated that indicated that after the first fish mortality occurred, the company Ferreira Gomes Energia did not fully comply with the forms of mitigation aimed at it, for the benefit of the Ferreira community and; the impacts caused by the death of fish mainly affected the fishing sector in the municipality of Ferreira Gomes and the form of mitigation agreed between the company and the State proved to be inefficient to resolve conflicts between the actors involved. Thus, the objective of this work was to reflect on the socio-environmental impacts caused by the State's developmental actions for the implantation of the Ferreira Gomes hydroelectric plant (HPP-FG) and which culminated in the formation of a community of affected people, mainly of fishermen from colony Z -7, between 2014 and 2019. Bibliographic and documentary research (sources) were carried out with the Public Ministries of Amapá and Ferreira Gomes, newspapers and field visits, in order to ascertain what were the agreements to mitigate the impacts and if they were fulfilled. The results indicated that the company and the State fulfilled only part of the agreements signed with those affected and the conflicts have intensified with the occurrence of new cases of fish mortality. It was considered that the research hypotheses were confirmed and if measures are not taken to remedy the impacts caused by HPP Ferreira Gomes, the damage may become irreversible.