Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Graduação
Infotenimento no jornalismo: estudo de caso da revista o pavio
2018Registro en:
MONTEIRO, Edinalva dos Santos
FACUNDES, Luciete Monteiro
The present monograph proposed to analyze the characteristics of the
information present in the pages of O Pavio magazine, taking into account the following
elements: texts, colors, types of letters, layout, images, illustrations, cartoons and the language
used to report information. The new informative genre is a journalistic tool that appears to
break with the fancy style present in the pages of the conventional newspapers and allows to
assign a greater value in the creation of the news. In this sense, the purpose of this work was
to show that it is possible to combine (Information + Entertainment) without losing the
credibility of the information, besides allowing a more pleasant reading in the eyes of the
reader. And, as an essential result for this work, it is concluded that the analyzed pages of the
4 copies of O Pavio magazine are examples of use of the use INFOtainment in Amapaense