Bachelor Thesis
Impacto de sistemas de evaluaci?n del desempe?o desde la percepci?n de los colaboradores en empresas de Ibagu?
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Mu?oz Mendoza, Karen Julieth
Se estudia la percepci?n de justicia y satisfacci?n de los colaboradores hacia la evaluaci?n del desempe?o, con el fin de analizar la influencia y las reacciones de este proceso. El estudio consta de t?cnicas cuantitativas con alcance explicativo, adoptando el dise?o de investigaci?n aplicado por Veloso-Besio, et al (2014), con una muestra de 370 colaboradores de 4 organizaciones p?blicas y privadas que han realizado la evaluaci?n del desempe?o. Se utilizaron dos instrumentos para medir la percepci?n de justicia y dos para medir la percepci?n de satisfacci?n y las reacciones de los empleados, estos instrumentos aplicados se adaptaron y validaron. Los resultados alcanzados presentan la percepci?n de los colaboradores, el an?lisis permite conocer que la percepci?n de justicia se ve influenciada de manera moderada por la evaluaci?n del desempe?o y la percepci?n de satisfacci?n no se ve influenciada de forma representativa. The perception of fairness and satisfaction of the collaborators towards the evaluation of the performance is studied, in order to analyze the influence and the reactions of this process. The study consists of quantitative techniques with explanatory scope, adopting the research design applied by Veloso-Besio, et al (2014), with a sample of 370 collaborators from 4 public and private organizations that have carried out the performance evaluation. Two instruments were used to measure the perception of justice and two to measure the perception of satisfaction and the reactions of employees, these applied instruments were adapted and validated. The results obtained present the perception of the collaborators, the analysis allows to know that the perception of justice is influenced in a moderate way by the evaluation of the performance and the perception of satisfaction is not influenced in a representative way.