Predictores clínicos/ecocardiográficos de insuficiencia tricuspídea residual posterior a reparo con anillo en La Cardio 2016 -2022.
Luna Pisciotti, Stephany
Landazabal Balaguera, Jorge
Castañeda Barbosa, Joaquin Camilo
Post-surgical residual tricuspid regurgitation has an incidence of up to 39%, associated with adverse outcomes and higher mortality. Additionally, any degree of residual ingurgitation impacts quality of life and exercise capacity. The preoperative clinical and echocardiographic variables for its prediction still need to be defined in the literature. We conducted a retrospective cohort study of patients who underwent tricuspid annuloplasty in moderate to severe functional tricuspid regurgitation at a single center. The total sample was 188 patients; 103 were women (54.8%) with a median age of 63. Of all, 31 patients (16.5%) presented criteria for residual tricuspid regurgitation, which had higher mortality (12.9% vs. 3.8%), a higher proportion of sepsis (6.5% vs. 2.5%) and perioperative cardiac arrest (9.7% vs 1.9%). We observed a more significant number of residual tricuspid regurgitation in patients taken concomitantly to surgical closure of atrial septal defect (ASD). In addition, these patients presented more significant right atrial dilation and less preoperative FAC. In the postoperative period, all patients improved their basal functional class.