Risk factors associated to incisional hernia in stoma site after stoma closure: a systematic review and meta analysis
Ramírez Giraldo, Camilo
Van Londoño, Isabella
Hernández Ferreira, Juliana
Hernández Álvarez, Daniela
Rojas López, Susana
This study aims to identify which risk factors are associated to the appearance of an incisional hernia in a stoma site after its closure. This in the sake of identifying which patients would benefit from a preventative intervention and thus start implementing a cost-effective protocol for prophylactic mesh placement in high-risk patients. Methods: A systematic review of PubMed, Cochrane library and ScienceDirect was performed according to PRISMA guidelines. Studies reporting incidence, risk factors and follow-up time for appearance of incisional hernia after stoma site closure were included. A fixed-effects and random effects models were used to calculate odds ratios’ estimates and standardized mean values with their respective grouped 95% confidence interval. This to evaluate the association between possible risk factors and the appearance of incisional hernia after stoma site closure. Results: 17 studies totaling 2899 patients were included. Incidence proportion between included studies was of 17,78% (CI95%: 13,51 – 22,50%). Out of the evaluated factors obesity (p<0,001, index (p<0,001, Cohen’s d=0.63, SE=011), presence of parastomal hernia (p=0,001, LogOR=1.24, SE=0.38), colostomy (p=0,001 LogOR=-0.71, SE=0.15) and end stoma (p=0,040, LogOR=-0,38, SE=-0,18) were associated to the appearance of incisional hernia in stoma site after stoma closure. Conclusions: Prophylactic mesh placement should be considered as an effective preventative intervention in high-risk patients (obese patients, patients with parastomal hernia, colostomy and end stoma patients) with the goal of reducing incisional hernia rates in stoma site after closure while remaining cost-effective.