Management decision-making under an unconventional modality
La toma de decisión gerencial bajo una modalidad no convencional;
Tomada de decisão gerencial sob uma modalidade não convencional
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Marcano Vera, Ricardo
This article starts from the following premise: management is an essentially practical activity, therefore, in its daily execution, new skills are acquired for use in managerial action. In this sense, pragmatism is assumed as the philosophical foundation of the managerial profession. One of the essential functions of managers in organizations is decision-making, so every manager aims to decide correctly. However, in the decision-making process, success cannot be envisioned. What is usually done is to observe its implementation, monitor its development and evaluate its impacts and results. It should be noted that managers make decisions in complex contexts, with incomplete information, in unstructured situations and with time constraints. Under these circumstances, the classical rational instrumental model for decision making is incomplete and inadequate, as it is based on the premise that the decision maker has complete and perfect information. This, as you know, is not possible. Given the limited scope of the instrumental rational model, the manager seeks to use all his available capacities and resorts to different schemes in decision-making. Among the non-conventional factors that the manager uses to make decisions, there is intuition, so we will see how this variable is suitable for the manager when making a decision. En este artículo se partió de la siguiente premisa: la gerencia es una actividad práctica, por lo cual en su ejecución cotidiana se van adquiriendo nuevas destrezas para emplearlas en la acción gerencial. Una de las funciones de los gerentes en las organizaciones es la toma de decisiones, así todo gerente aspira a decidir acertadamente. No obstante, en el proceso de toma de decisiones, el acierto no puede vislumbrarse. Lo que suele hacerse es observar su puesta en práctica, seguir su desarrollo y evaluar sus impactos y resultados. Los gerentes toman decisiones en contextos complejos, con información incompleta, sobre situaciones desestructuradas y con límites de tiempo. En estas circunstancias, el modelo clásico racional instrumental para la toma de decisiones resulta incompleto e inadecuado, ya que parte de la premisa según la cual el decisor cuenta con información completa y perfecta. Visto el alcance limitado del modelo racional instrumental, el gerente, busca emplear todas sus capacidades de las cuales dispone y apela a distintos esquemas al momento de tomar decisiones. Entre los factores no convencionales que utiliza el gerente para adoptar decisiones, se encuentra la intuición, veremos entonces, como esta variable puede resultar apropiada para el gerente al momento de decidir. This article starts from the following premise: management is an essentially practical activity, therefore, in its daily execution, new skills are acquired for use in managerial action. In this sense, pragmatism is assumed as the philosophical foundation of the managerial profession. One of the essential functions of managers in organizations is decision-making, so every manager aims to decide correctly. However, in the decision-making process, success cannot be envisioned. What is usually done is to observe its implementation, monitor its development and evaluate its impacts and results. It should be noted that managers make decisions in complex contexts, with incomplete information, in unstructured situations and with time constraints. Under these circumstances, the classical rational instrumental model for decision making is incomplete and inadequate, as it is based on the premise that the decision maker has complete and perfect information. This, as you know, is not possible. Given the limited scope of the instrumental rational model, the manager seeks to use all his available capacities and resorts to different schemes in decision-making. Among the non-conventional factors that the manager uses to make decisions, there is intuition, so we will see how this variable is suitable for the manager when making a decision.