Now showing items 1-10 of 4854
The Teaching of Elementary Mathematical Knowledge in Times of the Intuitive Method and the Analytical Intuitive Method
(International Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 2015)
This paper aims to understand the methodological recommendations for the teaching of elementary mathematical knowledge in Brazilian primary school, in the 19th -20th century transition. The investigative approach adopted ...
Antonio bandeira trajano and the pedagogical renewal read in schoolbooks: Teach arithmetic intuitively (late nineteenth century)Antonio bandeira trajano e a renovação pedagógica lida em livros escolares: Ensinar aritmética de modo intuitivo (final do século xix)
This article presents results of researches that were developed from the scientific initiation to the doctorate. While traveling through so many possible paths of research, I always feel drawn to the topic of intuitive ...
The resolution of the antinomy of the teleological judgment: Can we assert that the intelligent world-cause has an intuitive understanding?
(Philosophy Documentation Center, 2021-06)
In §§62-82 of Kant's Critique of the Power of Judgment we find several references to the supersensible in the context of the solution of the antinomy of the power of teleological judgment. It is not, however, plainly clear ...
Rational Decision and Intuitive Decision
(Escuela Superior de Guerra Conjunta de las Fuerzas Armadas, 2015)
Rational Decision and Intuitive Decision
(Escuela Superior de Guerra Conjunta de las Fuerzas Armadas, 2015)
Intuiciones en Lógica: una propuesta moderadaIntuitions in logic: a moderate proposal
(Universidad de Valparaíso, 2020-12)
Las intuiciones juegan un rol significativo en los debates sobre lógica. En este artículo, analizo cuán legítima es esa práctica. En la primera parte, distingo entre intuiciones teóricas y preteóricas, y argumento que ...
Elevating the Determinations of Thought Above this Anxious, Incomplete Standpoint: On Kant’s Concept of an Intuitive Understanding and its Articulation in Hegel’s Objective Thought
(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2021-04)
In this paper, we show that Kant’s complex concept of an “intuitive understanding” (or in a broader sense “superior understanding”), which operates in his work as a tool for defining the peculiar character of our (human) ...
The Relationship between Intuition and Invention in Mathematics: A Consideration from the Points of View of Henri Bergson and Henri PoincaréRelación entre la intuición y la invención en matemáticas: una mirada desde Henri Bergson y Henri Poincaré
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú - Departamento de Humanidades, 2023)