Tesis Doctorado
Degradatión by pulsed corona discharges: study on the possible chemical degradatión pathway for diclofenac
Torres-Godoy, Cynthia
The remo val of hazardous organic pollutants such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB's),polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (benzopyrene, dibenzoanthracene), pesticides (DDT, lindane), and pharmaceutical products ( diclofenac, ibuprofen, carbamazepine) from waste water is a growing concem in environmental science and technology. Therefore, innovative methods forwater remediation in removing contaminants from waste sites need to be examined. This work explores the use of Pulsed Corona Discharges or "Cold Plasma Advanced Oxidation" for the degradation ofthe pharmaceutical diclofenac.Pulsed corona discharge (PCD) is a non-thermal plasma technology characterized by low gas temperatures and high electron temperatures. This technology has the potential of effective water decontamination and the capability of efficient removal or degradation of organic contaminants. The chemical aspect of the process involves the formation of reactive oxygen species such as OH;H, O, O2 and HO2 and O3. These oxidizing species easily react with organic contaminants, and therefore lead to effective decontamination ofwater.This research focuses on the chemical aspects of diclofenac degradation; in general, itfocuses on developing an understanding of the basic mechanism for the possible dissociation and the identification of active species formation related to the degradation pathway of thepharmaceutical product diclofenac. Specifically, the degradation of diclofenac was assessed by q-TOF mass spectrometry. Key degradation products were identified using Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography-quadrupole-Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry techniques. Together, these results were used to identify suitable conditions for the degradation of diclofenac by PCD,and established that diclofenac is degraded by pulsed corona discharge systems.This research suggests the application of PCD reactors as a high-throughput alterna ti ve to chemical oxidation processes, specifically in degradation of organic molecule such as diclofenac for water treatment. Additionally, degradation conditions for other pharmaceutical producís may be predicted based on the study results presented in this dissertation. PFCHA-Becas Doctorado en Filosofía 143p. PFCHA-Becas TERMINADA