Tesis Doctorado
Water and nutrient supply for desert food webs: from autotrophs to top consumers within the framework of ecological stoichiómetry.
González-Gajardo, Angelica Lorena
Energy and material flow are essential to ecosystem functioning. Transfer of energy and
nutrients within ecosystems is best described in terms of food web interactions among taxa
in ecological comrnunities. Energy and material fiows and food web dynamics are related,
and food web structure is influenced by limitations of energy and rnatter. Conversely,
species interactions in food webs may also influence energy flow path and biomass
production. Ecological stoichiometry examines how the balance of chemical elements in
ecosysterns affects and is modified by organisms and how the flux of nutrients through
food webs depends on organism, population and community processes. In terrestrial food
webs the interactions among the component species are assumed to be constrained from the
imbalance of nitrogen and phosphate on primary producers. Plants respond to variations on
nutrient supply altering their elemental composition, whereas in the case of animals a
constant elemental composition of their body is hypothesized.
The main aim of this thesis was to characterize, for a desert case study, how nutrient
supply will affect plant nutrient composition and growth, and how this, in tum, may affect
food web stoichiometry. Our model system was the hyper-arid Atacama Desert of northern
Chile, that contains many patchy coastal "fog ecosysterns", dominated by bromeliad-plants
that obtain both nutrients and water from fog. These extreme ecosysterns support a food
web that is sufficiently simple and conspicuous to systematic and empirically study the
dynamic nature of nutrient supply and elemental stoichiometry, and the the direct and
indirect causal relationships between nutrient constraints and mismatches between trophic
levels. Our results did show that spatial and temporal variability in water and nutrient
supply can have significant effects on plant stoichiometry. However, this study reveals that
plant biomass nutrient content and C: N: P stoichiometry did not closely match environmental
nutrient supply. However, under low nutrient conditions we found a decrease in plant
nutrient content and an increase in C: nutrient and N: P ratios. P supply affects the
elemental composition of plants, enhancing the growth rate, these provide further evidence
consistent with the "Growth Rate Hyphotesis", and highlight a potential role of P limitation
to autotroph's growth, especially in dry ecosystems.
We found elemental imbalances at different trophic interactions, however, larger
imbalances were found at producer - herbivore interface, especially in regard to nitrogen
content. Consumers stoichiometry did show that the whole-body elemental composition
varied among taxa. Sorne of this variation was related to trophic level as predators
generally had higher N and P content, and lower C:N:P ratios than herbivores. There was
sorne intra-specific variation on nitrogen and phosphorus content. These results do not
support a common assumption in Ecological Stoichiometry that elemental composition is
relatively constant within species. Although, we found stoichiometric differences at a
producer leve!, elemental mismatches at plant - herbivore - invertebrate carnivore -
vertebrate carnivore interfeces, and spatial differences in primary biomass production, this
do not affected consurners nutrient content and secondary production.
The consequences of nutrient supply on plant stoichiometry, growth rate, and consumers
stoichiornetry highlight the main link between physiological and ecological processes and
the consequences of nutrient limitation in terrestrial ecosysterns. PFCHA-Becas Doctor en Ciencias Biológicas Mención Ecología 147p. PFCHA-Becas TERMINADA