Investment Disputes oltre lo stato. On Global Administrative Law, and Fair and Equitable Treatment
Boston College Law Review
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López-Escarcena, Rafael Sebastián
Global Administrative Law is an academic project that attempts todescribe the emergence of a regulatory space beyond the state and to prescribesolutions to the problems it diagnoses through certain normative principleslike participation, transparency, reasoned decision-making, judicial review,accountability, proportionality, and legitimate expectations. In the case of in-vestment treaty arbitration, the principles advanced by Global AdministrativeLaw are akin to the constitutive elements of the fair and equitable treatmentthat international arbitral tribunals have identified in investor-state disputes.As classified by international law scholars, these constitutive elements of fairand equitable treatment include due process, arbitrariness, non-discrimination,vigilance, legitimate expectations, stability and predictability, transparency,good faith, and proportionality. Incidentally, some of these principles havefound conventional support in state practice. This Essay answers the questionof whether this dogmatic similarity is a mere coincidence or proof of the in-fluence exerted by the tenets of Global Administrative Law over the way thefair and equitable treatment clause has been construed. For that purpose, it briefly explains Global Administrative Law, its approach to investment treatyarbitration, and the fair and equitable treatment standard of international in-vestment law. Regular 2015 FONDECYT FONDECYT