Tesis Magíster
‘Technical Memories and Graphic Struggles’ Technical activities in the graphic production process in the eighties during the Chilean dictatorship using the offset printing press
Cristi Rojas, Nicole
The research focuses on the study of the technical activities in the clandestine production process of a political poster using the offset machine in the 1980s in Chile, during the dictatorship of Pinochet. Through the reconstruction of the production process of six posters by the memories of their makers and their personal archives, using a retrospective Chaîne Opératoire, the research analysis the materials involved in the chain, considering its length and thickness, and it suggests that is possible to expand the use of the method for a wide range of material culture produced in the recent past. The research aims to show the interweaving between the technical activities and the political practices of the makers in the chain, analysing the efficacy of the technical activities on the matter from a materialistic approach, and at the same time on the subject, following the ideas of Marcel Mauss (1979 [1935]) and Jean-Pierre Warnier (2001, 2009). The research concludes that the process analysed is an interconnected technical system where the technical activities have a tangible effect of overcoming the prohibitions of the dictatorship and to transform the conditions of poster production, and at the same time these technical activities are efficacious on the makers of as techniques of self- governance, against the governance of the militaries. Therefore, the technical activities of the chains are also political practices of the makers, and both territories are indivisibly assembled in the chain. PFCHA-Becas PFCHA-Becas