Tesis Doctorado
Elimination of organic matter contained in industrial and synthetic wastewater using the combination of anaerobic biological digestion process and solar photo electro-Fenton in a continuous system
Eliminatión of organic matter contained in industrial and synthetic wastewater using the combinatión of anaerobic biólogical digestión process and solar photo electro-fenton in a continuous system
Vidal-Fuentes, Jorge Arturo
During the last years, several pollutants of emerging concern have been detected in industrial wastewater, mainly antibiotics. Which have been found to be resistance to photo and biodegradation. Therefore, new technologies such as advanced electrochemical oxidation processes (AEOPs) coupled with an anaerobic biological oxidation process (ABO) must be applied to completely eliminate this type of contaminants. In this work, electrochemical processes such as (Electro-oxidation/H2O2 (EO/H2O2), electro-Fenton (EF) and Photo electro-Fenton (PEF)) were compared to evaluate the degradation and elimination of the antimicrobial activity of two antibiotics, Ampicillin (AMP) and Nafcillin (NAF), and subsequently coupling the most efficient AEOPs with an anaerobic biological process in batch mode. The same combination was used to evaluate the elimination of the organic matter present in a liquid industrial waste (LIW) combining ABO/Solar photo electro-Fenton (SPEF) using upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor in continuous mode coupled with a continuous electrochemical reactor. Among the main results, it is important to note that with the PEF process, both antibiotics were completely eliminated and also their antimicrobial activity, but not the intermediate compounds that were generated during the degradation, however, when it was coupled to an ABO process in discontinuous mode, the intermediates were eliminated in a 100% in 24 hours. Considering the ABO/SPEF combination, 98% of the organic matter present in an LIW was eliminated. Finally, with the combination of a UASB reactor coupled to an electrochemical reactor, using the SPEF process, it was possible to eliminate 97% of the organic matter present in a synthetic LIW. PFCHA-Becas PFCHA-Becas