Thermoelectric properties of Cu- and I-doped AgSn 2 SbSe 2 Te 2 materials
Valencia-Gálvez, Paulina
Barahona, Patricia
Bérardan, David
Galdámez-Silva, Antonio César
The emerging global demand for energy production has intensified the interest in more effective power generation
methods. Thermoelectric materials can be employed to relax global energy problems by converting waste heat into
electricity1. Significantly high efficiencies have been obtained in nanostructured lead-based materials, such as
(PbTe)m-AgSbTe2 systems. Because of the strict environmental regulations for the use of these systems, new lead-free
compounds such as AgSnmSbTe2+m may constitute attractive alternatives. In addition, doping is a potential approach to
optimize the thermoelectric properties2.
Here, we report new doped-compounds of AgSn2SbSe2Te2 as promising thermoelectric materials. These phases
were synthetized by ceramic method at high temperatures. Powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) patterns were consistent with
phases belonging to the Pm-3m space group (Figure 1). Parallelepiped bars for transport measurements were prepared from
melted samples or SPS method. AgSn2SbSe2Te2 system exhibited typical degenerate semiconductor behavior, with a carrier
concentration of approximately ∼1021 cm-3
. Seebeck coefficient and electrical resistance are +70 μV K-1 and 67.1 mΩ⋅cm at
room temperature (R.T), respectively. However, Cu-doped compound shows very low Seebeck coefficients in the
temperature range from 50 K (+5 μV K-1) to 250 K (+25 μV K-1). The electrical resistance was almost constant ∼2.5 mΩ⋅cm
for Ag0.95Cu0.05Sn2SbSe2Te2 (Figure 1). The carrier concentration is significantly improved by partially substituting Selenium
by Iodine: ∼1019 cm-3 for AgSn2SbSe1.98I0.02Te2. The electrical conductivity σ increased with increasing temperature follows
Figure 1: PXRD patterns for AgSn2SbSe2Te2 -doped compounds and electrical properties of Ag0.95Cu0.05Sn2SbSe2Te2.
The authors thank to FONDECYT grant N° 1160685
1. Zhang, X. and Zhao, L-D. J. of Materiomics, 2015, 2, 92-105.
2. Han, M.K. et al. Adv. Energy Mater, 2012, 2,157-161. FONDECYT FONDECYT