Tesis Magíster
Adult Esl Learners’ Perceptions On Vark Learning Styles And Strategies: A Pilot Case Study
Adult esl learners’ perceptións on vark learning styles and strategies: a pilot case study
Bórquez Silva, Patricio Alejandro
This pilot research aims to contribute to the constructs of VARK learning styles and strategies
and its effectiveness on learning from interpretive and quantitative data of Adult learners of
English. Semi-structured interviews, documents analysis and observations served as research
tools in this mixed methods research. Findings from the study revealed that adult language
participants from the experimental group were familiar to notions that did not exist before. On
the one hand, learning styles that were identified at school and current course in the post
intervention stage were recalled easier than strategies. On the other hand, VARK strategies
experienced a perceptual variation by being applied as ‘note-taking’ in classes, rather than
being recalled as such at the conceptual level. Interestingly, documents reflected that
participants did not apply new VARK strategies in the post intervention stage. Finally,
observations revealed that the pre- intervention class presented limited use of strategies and
that the post stage had minimally varied, supporting the findings from documents. The results
of this study contribute to the current constructs of VARK learning styles and strategies and it
serves as a pilot to undergo a longitudinal investigation in Chile. Practical suggestions for
further research and pedagogical implications are identified as well. PFCHA-Becas PFCHA-Becas