Massive Eviccions Of Vulnerable Groups: Constitutional Jurisprudence Of Chile And South Africa
Revista Chilena de Derecho
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Figueroa-Garcia-Huidobro, Rodolfo Ignacio
There have been several cases in Chile where local authorities have ordered massive evictions of vulnerable groups occupying state property. The people affected sought protection before the courts but they upheld the evictions provided that occupations were illegal. In one case the Supreme Court ordered the administrative authority to take precautions aimed to secure protection for the people during the eviction process, along with minority votes demanding much more. The South African Constitutional Court has also addressed cases of massive evictions, using an interesting methodology intended to secure protection for people displaced. This paper argues that courts should do a lot more in cases of massive eviction of vulnerable population, and for that the South African experience is analyzed.Keywords Author Keywords:Massive evictions; vulnerable groups; constitutional jurisprudence; South Africa KeyWords Plus:SOCIOECONOMIC RIGHTS; ECONOMIC RIGHTS; LAW Regular 2015 FONDECYT FONDECYT