Effect of pectins with different degrees of esterification on the absorption of non-heme iron in humans.
Molina-Carrasco, Paulina Alejandra
Jaramillo-Ospina, Ángela Marcela
Olivares, Manuel
Pizarro-Aguirre, Fernando Dagoberto
not clear if this effect is universal for all kind of fiber. In the case of pectin, soluble
fiber present in natural and processed foods, the evidence on the effect of its
esterification degree on iron absorption is limited.
Objective: To determine the effect of pectins with different degrees of
esterificationon the absorption of non-heme iron in humans.
Methods: Experimental, controlled, in block study. Thirteen apparently healthy adult
women participated, who received in fasting state, 5 mg iron (FeSO4) without pectin
(control) or with 5 g of citrus pectin, two with low esterification degree (Pectin27 with
27% esterification and Pectin36 with 36% esterification) and one with high
esterification degree (Pectin67 with 67-73% esterification). Compounds were
ingested on days 1, 4, 18 y 21. Iron doses were labeled with iron radioactive
isotopes 55Fe y 59Fe. The iron status and incorporating isotopes to erythrocytes (iron
absorption) were measured in blood at 18 and 36 days.
Results: Two women had iron deficiency and one depleted iron stores. The
geometric mean (range +/- 1 SD) of iron absorption of control was 18.2% (12.3%-
27.1%), iron with Pectin27 was 17.2% (10.2%-29.2%) and iron with Pectin36 was
15.3% (9.5%-24.6%), whereas iron absorption of iron with Pectin67 of high degree
of esterification was 19.5% (10.0%- 38.0%). There were not statistically significant
differences between the percentages of iron absorption. (Repeated measures
ANOVA, p=0.22).
Conclusions: The esterification degree of the pectin does not influence the
absorption of non-heme iron.