Tesis Magíster
Renormalizatión group effects on neutrino masses in partial split supersymmetry
Cadiz-Cadiz, Fabián Alonso
Partial Split Supersymmetry with R-parity violation is used to explain neutrino masses and mixings by including one loop corrections to the effective neutrino mass matrix of thc theory.In this work, we study the possible effects of the renormalization group equations (RGE) on neutrino masses, sin ce thcy depend (among other parameters) on trilinear couplings between higgsinos, gauginos and higgs bosons that satisfy matching conditions at the SUSY breakingscale m, which can be very large. Due to running effects, the values of these trilinear couplings at the electroweak scale mw - 100 GeV will differ from their values at the scale m . Therefore,in order to compare with experimental results at the electroweak scale, the evolution of these trilinear couplings with the energy scale should be determined. The renormalization groupequations for Partial Split SUSY wcre solved, including two loop effects on the gauge couplings renormalization and one loop effects for Yukawa and trilinear couplings. Random scans in the space of free parameters of this model were used to find a working scenario in agreemcnt with ncutrino physics, firRt without including running effectR. Numerical solutions of the RGEs shows that this working scenario is no longer valid if wc consider the running of the trilinear couplings with m >1 TeV, therefore the RGE effects on neutrino observables are important enough to considcr m as a new free parameter of the model. PFCHA-Becas Master en Física PFCHA-Becas TERMINADA