Elaboración e implementación de mapas de riesgo y procedimiento de trabajo seguro para el taller de CAD-CAM de la Facultad de Mecánica de la ESPOCH
2023-06-15Registro en:
Chariguamán Álvarez, Andrés Enrique. (2023). Elaboración e implementación de mapas de riesgo y procedimiento de trabajo seguro para el taller de CAD-CAM de la Facultad de Mecánica de la ESPOCH. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Chariguamán Álvarez, Andrés Enrique
The objective of this technical research was to design and implement risk maps and safe work procedures for the CAD-CAM workshop in Facultad de Mecánica of ESPOCH, in order to reduce accidents and occupational diseases. The presence of hazards was evidenced in these areas, which were analyzed using the INSHT and NTP 330 methodologies to establish the level of risk in a qualitative and quantitative way, simultaneously. The information was collected through direct observation, application of surveys, and technical and legal bibliographic review. An initial 56 risks were identified and evaluated using the INSHT methodology, of which 6 were trivial, 19 were tolerable, 5 were moderate, 22 were significant, and 4 were intolerable. The risks identified were analyzed based on the NTP 330 methodology, with the result that 75% of the total risks evaluated corresponded to level II and 25% to level I. From this group evaluated, all the risks correspond to mechanical risks. The activities that present risk factors demanded control measures because they can cause considerable damage to the workshop users, so risk maps and PTS were drawn up, which are safety instructions that will be used to implement standardized activities, whose format contains the following items: objective, scope, legal regulations, definitions and abbreviations, responsibilities, development. These data provide enough information for the proper performance of activities and compliance with the proper use of PPE (personal protective equipment) as required.
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