Listening strategies and their importance within the english language learning process with students of first course at the A.L.C English Academy, Milagro, 2019
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Mena Cajas, Edinson Roberto; Murillo Zambrano, Karen Andrea (2020). Listening strategies and their importance within the english language learning process with students of first course at the A.L.C English Academy, Milagro, 2019. Guayaquil. ULVR. Facultad de Educación Carrera de Inglés. 90 p.
Mena Cajas, Edinson Roberto
Murillo Zambrano, Karen Andrea
According to the purpose of this project, the new students of American Language Center (A.L.C.) show the lack of English comprehension with the listening skill, this led the authors to apply some strategies to stimulate the comprehension and develop their motivation with strategic activities in order to get good results and at the same time work the sensorial area.
During this process, some students present different reactions while learning a foreign language. The teachers consider to help them in the acquisition of a new language; in this case, English to provide the students meaningful knowledge…….