The Impact of Video Games on ESL Teenagers’ Classrooms
Encalada Narváez, Edison Fabián
The influence of video games in English as a Second Language (ESL) contexts has become relevant in recent years, especially, in regards to the effects that they can have on the process of language learning, as well as how they are perceived by teachers and students. For that reason, this study focuses on exploring those notions through a systematic research synthesis that focuses on the impact of video games on ESL classrooms. Thus, analyzed data was gathered from 15 studies that explore the effect of video gaming on teenage students in the ESL classroom. Through this analysis, it was possible to determine the research focus of the
studies, such as the influence of gaming on the learning setting, exposure to gaming, benefits
for language learning, and how it interferes with real life. It was found that video gaming is considered beneficial for language learning and positively affects student motivation, despite the drawbacks reported by some researchers. However, there is a lack of knowledge on the best way to implement video gaming in the ESL classroom.