Virtual classroom as a tool for development support of listening and speaking of third level english language center of aeronautical technological superior institute, in the period 2013-2014
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Santacruz Ortega, Fredy Patricio. Ochoa Chiliguano, Oscar Iván (2013). Virtual classroom as a tool for development support of listening and speaking of third level english language center of aeronautical technological superior institute, in the period 2013-2014. Inglés. UTC. Latacunga. 137 p.
Santacruz Ortega, Fredy Patricio
Ochoa Chiliguano, Oscar Iván
The theme Methodological guide interactive, using the virtual classroom as a tool for development support of listening and speaking of third level English language center of ITSA, in the period 2013-2014, has been carefully selected, given the importance in education foreign language learning English. It is divided into three chapters: