| bachelorThesis
Exposición a contenidos nocivos y su incidencia en el comportamiento dentro del aula de clases
Zavala Trejo, María Fernanda
Behavioral problems are common in childhood but when they become a pathology it is necessary to inquire as to what is causing it. The present study addresses the case of an 8 years old boy whose behavior is affecting his performance in the classroom, so it is proposed to establish a relationship between the contents to which the child is being exposed and the problem behavior, for which has the family and teacher support as a source of reliable information and collaborators in the application of behavioral techniques that favor the decrease and consequently the extinction of the aggressive, negative challenging behavior presented by the minor. Behavioral problems are common in childhood but when they become a pathology it is necessary to inquire as to what is causing it. The present study addresses the case of an 8 years old boy whose behavior is affecting his performance in the classroom, so it is proposed to establish a relationship between the contents to which the child is being exposed and the problem behavior, for which has the family and teacher support as a source of reliable information and collaborators in the application of behavioral techniques that favor the decrease and consequently the extinction of the aggressive, negative challenging behavior presented by the minor. Los problemas de conducta son comunes en la niñez pero cuando estos se convierten en una patología es necesario indagar en cuanto a aquello que lo está causando. El presente estudio aborda el caso de un niño de 8 años cuyo comportamiento está afectando su desenvolvimiento en el aula de clases, por lo que se plantea establecer una relación entre los contenidos a los que el niño está siendo expuesto y la conducta problemática, para lo cual se cuenta con el apoyo familiar y del docente como fuente de información confiable y colaboradores en la aplicación de técnicas conductuales que favorezcan la disminución y consecuentemente la extinción del comportamiento agresivo, negativo desafiante que presenta el menor.