| bachelorThesis
Transición de radio análoga a radio digital: Caso Radio Libre
Burgos Duque, Nella Estefania
The present case study was born as a result of an exploratory study on a very poorly covered problem that turns out to be very common among the main radio media in Ecuador. The transition from analog radio to digital radio. Objective: To analyze the process of transition from analog radio to digital radio, special case Radio Libre, of the Babahoyo Canton, Los Ríos Province. Methodology: A qualitative approach was obtained according to the characteristics of the study context; developing an exploratory type research and with a non-experimental design. The researcher selected an intentional sample of two announcers and a manager who owns Radio Libre 93.9 Fm, from Babahoyo Canton, Los Ríos Province. Instrument: A structured questionnaire of questions as an interview was proposed and applied to learn about the transition process in Radio Libre 93.9 Fm, of the Babahoyo Canton, Los Ríos Province. Results: The process of transition from analog radio to digital radio has had important changes in terms of the positioning of the radio station compared to its predominant premises. The transition process has benefited not only contemporary listeners but listeners as well; thus, highlighting the need to continue carrying out analog broadcasting despite the arrival of new platforms and digital media. There is a specific organization and control over the programs, segments and the level of professionals for broadcasting them. Conclusions: Radio Libre 93.9 Fm, from the Babahoyo Canton, Los Ríos Province, has become one of the main provincial radio stations with the best tuning and positioning to date, based on listener loyalty. The present case study was born as a result of an exploratory study on a very poorly covered problem that turns out to be very common among the main radio media in Ecuador. The transition from analog radio to digital radio. Objective: To analyze the process of transition from analog radio to digital radio, special case Radio Libre, of the Babahoyo Canton, Los Ríos Province. Methodology: A qualitative approach was obtained according to the characteristics of the study context; developing an exploratory type research and with a non-experimental design. The researcher selected an intentional sample of two announcers and a manager who owns Radio Libre 93.9 Fm, from Babahoyo Canton, Los Ríos Province. Instrument: A structured questionnaire of questions as an interview was proposed and applied to learn about the transition process in Radio Libre 93.9 Fm, of the Babahoyo Canton, Los Ríos Province. Results: The process of transition from analog radio to digital radio has had important changes in terms of the positioning of the radio station compared to its predominant premises. The transition process has benefited not only contemporary listeners but listeners as well; thus, highlighting the need to continue carrying out analog broadcasting despite the arrival of new platforms and digital media. There is a specific organization and control over the programs, segments and the level of professionals for broadcasting them. Conclusions: Radio Libre 93.9 Fm, from the Babahoyo Canton, Los Ríos Province, has become one of the main provincial radio stations with the best tuning and positioning to date, based on listener loyalty. El presente estudio de caso, nace a raíz de un estudio exploratorio sobre una problemática muy poco abarcada pero que resulta ser muy común entre los principales medios radiales del Ecuador. La transición de radio análoga a radio digital. Objetivo: Analizar el proceso de transición de radio análoga a radio digital, caso especial Radio Libre, del Cantón Babahoyo, Provincia de Los Ríos. Metodología: Se utilizó un enfoque cualitativo de acuerdo a las características del contexto de estudio; desarrollándose una investigación de tipo exploratoria y con un diseño no experimental. La investigadora seleccionó una muestra intencional de dos locutores y un gerente propietario de la Radio Libre 93.9 Fm, del Cantón Babahoyo, Provincia de Los Ríos. Instrumento: Se diseñó y aplicó un cuestionario estructurado de preguntas a modo de entrevista para conocer el proceso de transición en la Radio Libre 93.9 Fm, del Cantón Babahoyo, Provincia de Los Ríos. Resultados: El proceso de transición de radio análoga a radio digital ha tenido cambios importantes en cuanto al posicionamiento de la emisora radial frente a sus competidores locales. El proceso de transición a beneficiado no solo a los oyentes contemporáneos sino también a los oyentes; destacando de esta forma, la necesidad por seguir realizando la radiodifusión análoga a pesar de la llegada de nuevas plataformas y medios digitales. Existe una organización y control concreta sobre los programas, segmentos y el nivel de profesionales para la emisión de los mismos. Conclusiones: Radio Libre 93.9 Fm, del Cantón Babahoyo, Provincia de Los Ríos, se ha convertido en una de las principales radios provinciales que mejor sintonía y posicionamiento tienen hasta la actualidad, basado en la fidelidad de los oyentes.
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