Estudio bibliográfico de la Diabetes mellitus en gatos.
Henríquez Osorio, Iliana Abimeleth
The present investigative work is focused on the bibliographical study of diabetes mellitus in cats, which is a pathology that causes the lack or deficiency of production of the hormone insulin by the pancreas, which could cause high mortality rates in the animal. It can be established that there are three types of diabetes, type I diabetes mellitus or insulin-dependent diabetes, type II diabetes mellitus or non-insulin-dependent diabetes, and type III diabetes mellitus or secondary diabetes; but type II diabetes mellitus commonly occurs in cats, one of the main causes for which this type of pathology develops is obesity and physical inactivity. It is necessary to diagnose the disease in time, the same that is carried out through physical and laboratory examinations that will allow analyzing and identifying the patient's condition in order to be able to grant the adequate treatment and control, which consists of nutritional and pharmacological treatment, with the purpose of improving the living conditions of the animal and lengthening its life time, due to the fact that diabetes mellitus generates the mortality of the majority of patients. For this, it is necessary that the caretaker or owner of the cat, once the treatment has been granted, provides control of the disease, through constant monitoring of blood glucose levels and through regular and constant visits to the veterinarian; It is the responsibility of the animal's caregiver to provide all the care and attention that the patient needs. The present investigative work is focused on the bibliographical study of diabetes mellitus in cats, which is a pathology that causes the lack or deficiency of production of the hormone insulin by the pancreas, which could cause high mortality rates in the animal. It can be established that there are three types of diabetes, type I diabetes mellitus or insulin-dependent diabetes, type II diabetes mellitus or non-insulin-dependent diabetes, and type III diabetes mellitus or secondary diabetes; but type II diabetes mellitus commonly occurs in cats, one of the main causes for which this type of pathology develops is obesity and physical inactivity. It is necessary to diagnose the disease in time, the same that is carried out through physical and laboratory examinations that will allow analyzing and identifying the patient's condition in order to be able to grant the adequate treatment and control, which consists of nutritional and pharmacological treatment, with the purpose of improving the living conditions of the animal and lengthening its life time, due to the fact that diabetes mellitus generates the mortality of the majority of patients. For this, it is necessary that the caretaker or owner of the cat, once the treatment has been granted, provides control of the disease, through constant monitoring of blood glucose levels and through regular and constant visits to the veterinarian; It is the responsibility of the animal's caregiver to provide all the care and attention that the patient needs. El presente trabajo investigativo está enfocado en el estudio bibliográfico de la Diabetes mellitus en gatos, la cual es una patología que ocasiona la falta o deficiencia de producción de la hormona insulina por parte del páncreas, lo que podría causar altos índices de mortalidad en el animal. Se puede establecer que existen tres tipos de Diabetes, la Diabetes mellitus tipo I o Diabetes insulinodependiente, la Diabetes mellitus tipo II o Diabetes no insulinodependiente, y, la Diabetes mellitus tipo III o Diabetes secundaria; pero en los gatos comúnmente se presenta la Diabetes mellitus tipo II, unas de las principales causas por la que se desarrolla este tipo de patología es la obesidad y la inactividad física. Es preciso diagnosticar la enfermedad a tiempo, el mismo que se realiza mediante exámenes físicos y de laboratorio que permitirán analizar e identificar la condición del paciente con el fin de poder otorgar el tratamiento y control adecuado, el cual consiste en un tratamiento nutricional y farmacológico, teniendo como finalidad mejorar la condición de vida del animal y alarga su tiempo de vida, debido a que la Diabetes mellitus genera la mortalidad de la mayoría de los pacientes. Para esto es preciso que el cuidador o dueño del gato una vez otorgado el tratamiento proporcione un control de la enfermedad, mediante el monitoreo constante de los niveles de glucosa en la sangre y a través de las visitas periódicas y constantes al veterinario; es responsabilidad del cuidador del animal proporcionar todos los cuidados y atenciones que el paciente necesita.