Now showing items 1-10 of 50953
Self- management of diabetes mellitus during the Covid-19 pandemic: Recommendations for a resource limited setting
Background and aims: The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged both institutional and selfmanagement of diabetes. The ongoing social distancing and lock downs have negatively
impacted to access to care and self-management.
Methods: ...
(Associação Brasileira de Divulgação Científica (ABRADIC), 1995-09-01)
Muller cells provide nutrition for neural cells. We studied the structure and ultrastructure of Muller cells in the retina of thirty 3-month old Wistar rats; divided equally into 3 groups: normal rats, alloxan diabetic ...
Müller cells and diabetic retinopathy.
Müller cells provide nutrition for neural cells. We studied the structure and ultrastructure of Müller cells in the retina of thirty 3-month old Wistar rats, divided equally into 3 groups: normal rats, alloxan diabetic ...
Müller cells and diabetic retinopathy.
Müller cells provide nutrition for neural cells. We studied the structure and ultrastructure of Müller cells in the retina of thirty 3-month old Wistar rats, divided equally into 3 groups: normal rats, alloxan diabetic ...
Diabetic ketoacidosis during gestational diabetes. A case report
(Elsevier, 2011)
Diabetic ketoacidosis is an infrequent complication of gestational diabetes but results in fetal loss. It usually occurs in the later stages of pregnancy. We report two young pregnant women who were admitted because of ...
¿Es Importante la Salud Oral en los Niños con Diabetes?¿Es Importante la Salud Oral en los Niños con Diabetes?
Introducción: La Diabetes Mellitus (DM) afecta a un porcentaje importante de la población y cada vez se observa con mayor frecuencia en niños y adolescentes. Diferentes órganos y tejidos se ven afectados en el paciente ...