Low activity in pregnancy does not modify neither adiponectin nor leptin serum levels
Mendieta Zerón, Hugo
Garduño Alanís, Adriana
Nava Díaz, Pamela Montserrat
Santillán Benítez, Jonathan Guadalupe
de la Rosa Parra, José Antonio
Conzuelo Rodríguez, Gabriel
Introduction: Obesity in pregnancy is increasing and is a risk factor for metabolic pathology and is associated with dyslipidemia, vascular dysfunction, and low-grade chronic inflammation. Our aim was to measure adiponectin and leptin in lean and overweight-obese pregnant women in the first and second halves of pregnancy and its relation to walked distance as measured with pedometers. Materials and Methods: 42 women in the 1st trimester of pregnancy were recruited, 21
with a pregestational body mass index (BMI) < 25 kg/m2 and 21 with a BMI N 25 kg/m2 matched for parity. Serum levels of adiponectin and leptin were measured by ELISA technique. Daily step count was measured with pedometer (Sportline 330, USA). Results: In the first half of pregnancy there were statistically significant differences in age (p P 0.05), weight (p P 0.001), BMI (p P 0.001), leptin (p P 0.001) and diponectin/leptin ratio (p P 0.05). In the first half of pregnancy, although the
overweight-obesity group walked an average of one km more than the normal weight group, its leptin values doubled that of the second group, which showed a tendency in adiponectin to be higher. In the second half of pregnancy the walked distance was equal in both groups. Likewise, adiponectin values decreased in both groups, but the decrement was much greater in the overweight-obesity group. On the other hand,
leptin values increased in both groups and, although the tendency was to be higher in the overweight-obesity group, the statistical difference was lost. Discussion: Average weekly energy expenditure in our patients was light (1.5–2.9 METs). Low activity way of living during pregnancy doesn’t seem to alter adiponectin serum levels beyond the influence of BMI. In our study, leptin serum levels were determined in the first half of pregnancy by the BMI and not by the physical activity
Conclusion: Neither adiponectin nor leptin are modified by low activity in Mexican pregnant women as measured with pedometers. This study was provided by the Instituto de Nutrición y Salud Kellogg’s (INSK), grant number: 3048/2011e.