Tipo de cambio y sistema monetario internacional
Lira Díaz, Angélica
Mendoza Austria, Flor de María
Soberanes Rivas, Lucía Teresa
The exchange rate is the price of one unit of foreign currency expressed in terms of the national currency. In this sense, the exchange rate is the number of units of currency to be delivered for a foreign, or similarly currency, the number of units of national currency obtained when selling one unit of foreign.
Exchange rate policy in Mexico is the responsibility of the Foreign Exchange Commission. This committee is composed of officials of both the Secretariat of Finance and Public Credit and the Bank of Mexico. In late 1994, the Foreign Exchange Commission agreed that the exchange rate regime in Mexico was flexible. The flexible exchange rate is determined freely and obeying only market forces.
The international monetary system (IMS) is the set of institutions, rules and agreements governing the commercial and financial activities of international character between countries. The SMI regulates payments and receipts arising from international economic transactions. Its main objective is to generate monetary liquidity (by gold reserves, raw materials, financial assets of any country, supranational financial assets, etc.) to international business, and therefore the counterparts of payments and collections in national currencies or currency develop fluidly.