Working Paper
EVA CONTRA EVA: La crisis del imaginario colectivo
Bárcena Díaz, Leticia
Traditionally, women are considered a subculture within a supreme patriarchal system, nevertheless, intra-gender relations are not free of flaws which require observation and analysis in order to define and understand the complex dynamics of power that occur therein.
Generally, aggression, exclusion, and discrimination against women are studied in the context of the competition between men and women without paying too much attention to the demeaning, rivalry, aggressiveness, distrust, and/or discrimination happening between women themselves.
Hence that the processes of reception and assimilation of feminist cultural elements which lead to the construction of our memory demand that aversion to women is eradicated from our culture and subjectivity from each and every woman so as to appreciate the worthiness of women and that which is feminine.
Only then will it be possible to develop a true gender solidarity, which, I think, is the only way to obtain individual and collective respect.