Efecto de diferentes subunidades de Gluteninas-APM sobre la calidad panadera en trigos harineros Mexicanos
Effect of different HMW-Glutenin subunits on baking quality of Mexican bread wheats
De la O Olan, M.
Espitia-Rangel, E.
Molina Galan, J.D
Peña Bautista, R.J.
Santacruz Varela, A.
Villaseñor Mir, H.E.
In order to determine the influence of different high molecular weight (HMW) glutenin subunits on baking properties and protein content, a set of 69 wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) F2:6 lines derived by single seed descent from the cross Rebeca F2000 by Salamanca S75 was analyzed. Lines were grown at Roque, Gto. (Fall-Winter, 2003- 2004) under normal and restricted irrigation regime. Bread volume, crumb texture and protein content were evaluated. Analyses were performed grouping wheat lines by grain hardness. In soft lines the best combination was 1, 7+8, 2+12 with higher values of bread volume, intermediate crumb texture and high protein content; whereas lines with combinations 1, 7+8, 5+10 and 2*, 17+18, 2+12 produced the lowest values for those traits. In semi-soft wheats combination 2*, 17+18, 2+12 resulted in good crumb texture and the largest bread volume, but for protein content the best combination of HMWGlutenins was 1, 17+18, 2+12. In semi-hard lines no differences among allelic combinations were found. In the A-genome for semihard wheats subunit 2* presented the highest values for bread volume, crumb texture and protein content in comparison to subunit 1. In the B-genome for soft, semi-soft and semi-hard wheats two allelic subunits, 17+18 and 7+8 had the same effects on baking quality and protein content. In semi-soft wheats subunit 2+12 of the D-genome presented the highest values of crumb texture, whereas subunit 5+10 showed the lowest value. It is concluded that baking properties are differentially influenced by the HMW glutenin alleles present in Mexican wheats 291-297