Capítulo: Confirming Digital Marketing Model Innovation Design: SEM in Post-COVID Social Impact Startups, Mexico
Mejía-Trejo, Juan; Research Professor Titular B at CUCEA-Universidad de Guadalajara
The COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented event that has ravaged emergent economies like Mexico seriously. In this sense, several sectors like social impact startups (SIS) are called to participate in ac- tions to recover more quickly in their operations, income, and competitiveness in the post-COVID era. In fact, digital marketing campaigns are alternatives for the Mexican SIS to raise its competitiveness again. Hence, this study aims to confirm the digital marketing model innovation (DMMI) through covariance- based structural equation modeling (CB-SEM) applied on a survey of 180 Mexican SIS during Dec-2020 to Feb-2021. The study ́s value is the model`s validity of DMMI and its capability to determine digital marketing strategies to overcome emergency situations like COVID-19.