Knowledge Management, Open innovation and e-Marketing & e-Business : As Key Factors of development of the Information and Communication Technology Sector
Mejía-Trejo, Juan; Profesor Investigador Titular B CUCEA-Universidad de Guadalajara
Knowledge Management, Open Innovation and e-Marketing & e-business as Key Factors of Development of Information and Com- munication Technology Sector, is aimed to compile a selection of papers published during the period of 2015-2016 & 2017 by profes- sors of the Phd Management Sciences, of the University of Guada- lajara, to show how is proposed the design of their interaction and what were the first meaningful findings for the information and com- munication technologies sector located in Jalisco, Mexico.
For instance, the first article where the information and commu- nication technologies is the principal source of producing new and innovative forms of teaching-learning process, the research is aimed to unveil an empirical model for mobile learning and their determi- nants factors. This research applied a documentary study to select the variables with specialists in m-Learning using Analytic Hierarchy Process (ahp) determining the final Factors: Technology (T); Con- tents & Teaching-Learning Management (c&tlm); Teacher Student Rol (tsr); and 60 Variables. The study was applied on: 20 teachers and 800 students both participating in social sciences courses, from 7 Universities located at Metropolitan Zone of Guadalajara, México (umzg) during the period 2013-2014.The data of the questionnaires, were analyzed by structural equations modeling (sem), using eqs 6.1 software. The final results suggest reinforce 9 variables to improve the interaction with mL model at umzg.
The second study tell us how the Innovation is a key factor to in- crease the competitive advantage for business. When the Innovation is improved by the Knowledge Management, it does in the Firms ba- sed on the sense of information: for, from and about the customers and is called: Customer Knowledge Management. So, the aim of this study is to solve: which are the latent factors between Innovation and Customer Knowledge Management relationship? To achieve it, a questionnaire was designed and applied to the 500 Chief Execu- tive Officers from the Small & Media Enterprises Software Sector
in Guadalajara, Mexico, that are part of the value chain, involving: designers, manufacturers and suppliers. The study applied the Struc- tural Equations Model as a quantitative method to discover the un- derlying relationships amongst the most relevant variables between Innovation on Customer Knowledge Management, as: Driver of In- novation; Support; other Sources of Knowledge, Satisfaction, Expe- rience and Performance with a total of 15 indicators.
The third project, shows how the Knowledge Management (km) in Innovation process (innov), is a powerful engine that drives the company towards competitiveness (insead, 2014; wef, 2014); howe- ver, many small and media enterprises (smes) in México, ignore it. So, the aim of the present study is to discover the key factors of km that are involved in the innov, prevailing in the field of software sector smes in Guadalajara (ssg), Mexico. This research is based on a documental study about km and how is related as driver on the innov; to achieve this, it was designed a questionnaire divided in two parts: the first one, corresponding to km that involved (5) factors: km Leadership (kmld); km Capture and Acquisition (kmca); km Training and Mentoring (kmtm); km Policies and Strategies (kmps); km Communications and Rewards (kmcr) with 23 total indicators as variables. The second one, innov that involved (6) factors: In- novation Value Added (ivadd); Innovation Input Items (iiit); In- novation Process (inproc); Innovation Output Items (ioit); Inno- vation Performance (iperf) and Innovation Feedback (ifeed) with 39 total indicators as variables. It was designed a questionnaire (62 variables), as a measurement instrument based on Likert Scale (1to 5 interval) in order to determine the degree of agreement with well Cronbach’s Alpha confidence (0.8432). It proceeded to do a survey to the total 200 ceos belonging to the smes from ssg. The results were analyzed using Structural Equations Modeling (sem) to find validity and reliability of the structure to discover by the system equations, the underlying variables and their interrelationships. Fi- nally, it was found most representative km variables to drive the in- nov, were: kmca (0.9095); kmcr (0.8845); kmtm (0.8815); kmld (0.8780); kmps (0.8235). Finally were solved the (5) hypotheses fin- ding the relationship between the km factors and innov have signi- ficant positive effects. The originality and value of this research lied
in the design of a construct that identify the underlying km factors and variables sized according an exploratory and multi-correlational study to drive the innov. All the factors and variables were collec- ted from the principal theories about both subjects and jointed in a solid set by sem to find their respective correlations. The practical implications shall serve to the ssg to identify what variables and fac- tors from km, are able to drive the innov and get a better place for competitiveness.
The fourth work describes how at the beginning of the xxi cen- tury, several authors affirm that open business models (obm) enable an organization to be more effective in creating as well as capturing value and are a prerequisite for successful co-development partner- ships. As a result of both trends, the rising development costs and shorter product/service lifecycles, companies are finding it increa- singly difficult to justify investments in innovation. The obm solve both trends, underscoring the terms: “industry ecosystem” and/or “collaborative business model”. Not only it changes the innovation process but it also modifies organizations themselves by reconfigu- ring value chains and networks. For the firms, it creates a heuristic logic, based on the current business model and technology to extend them with strategy, to the development of innovation to create value and increasing revenues and profits. It emphasizes the external com- munities with governance as valuable resources with several roles that promote corporate competitiveness. So, for a specialized sector with high technology such as the information technologies sector of metropolitan zone of Guadalajara (itsmzg), it was posed the next research question: Which are the determinant factors of the obm as an empirical model to be applied at the itsmzg? This was a do- cumentary study to select the main variables among specialists in itsmzg practicing the obm process using analytic hierarchy process (ahp) and Delphi’s Panel to contrast the academic terms with the specialist experience. It’s a descriptive, exploratory, correlational, cross-sectional, qualitative-quantitative study to obtain a final ques- tionnaire in Likert scale, with reliability tested through a pilot survey (Cronbach’s Alpha>0.75), applied during Jan. 2015-May 2016 to the total population asked: 600 specialists of itsmzg (150 it teachers and 150 representatives of consulting firms as “consultant part”; 290
it sme ceo and 10 it le ceo as the “decision-making part”, since 1 year in the market, 80% with bachelor degree, 20% with postgrad, 20% women and 80% men). It was designed a first-order structural equation modeling (sem) as a confirmatory factor analysis (cfa) te- chnique, using the eqs 6.1 software to analyze the obm underlying variables, to determine a final empirical model. The result is an em- pirical obm based on 5 main factors: business management bmg (10 variables/76 indicators), strategy (str, 3 variables/14 indicators), technology (tec, 3 variables/24 indicators), new entrepreneurships (nwe, 3 variables /7indicators) and open innovation orientation (oio, 3 variables/18 indicators), empirically proved for the itsmzg. Although the final empirical obm has a significant positive effect among its variables, also showed different levels of factor loadings, meaning opportunities to improve the model for the itsmzg.
The fifth article is aimed to disclose an empirical model of Open Innovation (oin) in the Information Technologies Sector of Metro- politan Zone of Guadalajara, Mexico (itsmzg) to achieve a useful model to be used. The variables for the theoretical framework were determined using Delphi’s focus group panel and Analytic Hierarchy Process (ahp) obtaining academic and expert visions. The was a des- criptive, exploratory and a cross-sectional study, with a final Likert scale questionnaire, tested for reliability and validity with survey applied to 400 itsmzg specialists (Jan-2017-Jun-2017). The results of oin model were analyzed using exploratory factor analysis (efa) by spss 20 ibm, obtaining 3 underlying variables: knowledge mana- gement (kmg), open business models (obm), innovation ecosystem (iec), with 26 dimensions/64 indicators.
The sixth project is aimed to disclose how Digital Broadband (dbd) is affecting the practice of Open Innovation (oin) in the In- formation Technologies Sector of Metropolitan Zone of Guadala- jara, Mexico (itszmg) to achieve a model, for the improvement of relationships. It is a descriptive, exploratory, correlational, cross- sectional, qualitative-quantitative research. As a qualitative study, it is based on a deep literature review after which, it was used Delphi Panel with Analytic Hierarchy Process (ahp), determining the main factors: dbd (1 factor/ 6 variables/43 indicators) and oin (3 factors/23 variables/161 indicators) in a questionnaire Likert scale, involving
600 itszmg specialists at 200 smes. The survey was on the period of September-December 2016. As a quantitative study, it applied Con- firmatory Factor Analysis using eqs 6.2 software. The value of this study, is to propose a generalized model involving the relationship between dbd-oin for itszmg, and identify the underlying variables and their relationships to make suggestions about how to be more innovative, among the firms in the sector. The final results: 5/6 dbd variables have significant positive effect on 18/23 oin variables. This implies opportunities to develop the model. It was obtained an em- pirical model capable of identifying its own dbd-oin relationships in order to be, a more innovative firm in the itszmg.
The seventh article shows how the Innovation (innov) process is considered as a driver to increase the competitiveness in the Digital Marketing (dm) sector; however, many firms ignore how their own dm resources and capabilities affect the innov process. So, through a dm-innov proposed conceptual model, the aim of this study is to determine which are the main factors of innov are affected from dm, in Guadalajara, México. The design is based on innov process model, construct published previously by Mejía-Trejo et al. (2014) and complemented with the dm model construct proposed here, with variables which are tested for validity and reliability through a pilot survey in order to get the final model. The study subjects were the most important customers of Monster Online (a mexican com- pany, specialized in dm) and analyzed by inferential statistics determi- ning the Cronbach’s Alpha reliability in a pilot test and multiple linear regression (mlr) based on Stepwise Method using spss 20 program. The methodology is proposed as a descriptive, exploratory, correlatio- nal and a transversal study, based on documentary research to obtain a final questionnaire using the Likert scale applied to the total popula- tion: 900 Monster’s Online relevant ceo clients. So, it proposed:
For dm: Web integration (wbi); Web Experience (wbe); Web Strategy (wbs) and Technological Resources (trs)
For innov process by Mejía-Trejo’s et al. (2014) conceptual model with: Innovation Value Added (ivadd); Innovation Income Items (iiit); Innovation Process (inproc); Innovation Performance (iperf); Innovation Feedback Items (ifeed); Innovation Outcome Items or Results of Innovation (ioit).
The approach is based on the importance to relate the dm on innov process to determine their main factors that are affected and generate more innovation in the dm sector. This article is aimed to determine the main factors that drive the dm on innov process to get more, about this, by mean of original theoretical models as a pro- duct of the principal related theories about dm and innov process. The Value of the study, is to obtain a first settlement for a generali- zed model able to be applied in other sectors in Mexico. The results obtained, will allow measuring the level of correlation amongst the variables in study, and discover how the main factors of innov pro- cess are influenced for dm components.
The eight article tell us how to build a construct relating the na- tional competitiveness model (ncm) with the proposition of digital marketing innovation model (dmim), for a digital campaign design. The methodology is based on a literature review using Delphi Panel with Analytic Hierarchy Process (ahp) among 200 (100 professors and 100 ceo) digital marketing specialists located at Guadalajara, Mexico. The results pointed out to a final questionnaire supporting a construct with 8 main variables of the ncm and 10 main variables involved into the dmim for a Digital Campaign Design.
The ninth work, is aimed to propose a construct relating the na- tional competitiveness model (ncm) with our proposition of digital marketing innovation model (dmim) for a digital campaign design. The design is a final questionnaire in Likert scale, applied during Jan. Apr. 2017 to the total population: 200 specialists (100 professors/100 ceos) of digital marketing campaign designers in Guadalajara, México (called specialists). The methodology is based on a documentary research to determine the variables related into ncm-dmim. As a qualitative study, the variables obtained were analyzed by 10 specia- lists using Delphi Panel and Analytic Hierarchy Process (ahp). The results were two visions, among academics (professors) and the ex- perts (ceos) vision (called conceptual evidence) with different rates of importance and order of appearance of each determined variables of the ncm-dmim construct. As a quantitative study (the empirical evidence), we practiced correlation and multiple linear regression techniques to determine the most important variables and their rela- tionships in such construct. As a finding, it is the first settlement for
a generalized model able to explain the variables involved in the re- lationship between ncm-dmim construct. The research limitations: there are no previous models relating the main ncm-dmim variables. The social and practical implications are aimed to the marketing sec- tor recommending improvements of ncm-dmim relationships as a measuring tool. The originality is based on the empirical disclosing of the main ncm-dmim variables using an original theoretical model adapted to the context.
Finally, the tenth project is aimed to determine a construct of electronic business (e-business) innovation (ebim). This study is based on a documentary research to determine the main variables of the ebim as academic vision and based on a focused group of e- Business experts using the Delphi Panel method and the Analytic Hierarchy Process we obtained the expert vision of the ebim, as a general conceptual model. Based on both visions it was obtained the 19 variables and 3 factors to be included in the final ebim proposal, which: 9/19 variables are according to the both visions, 6/19 are su- ggested by expert vision and 4/19 are suggested by academic vision. The conceptual ebim obtained has the potential to be used. Further studies regarding the ebim, are: an exploratory factor analysis to ve- rify the grouping of such variables; a confirmatory factor analysis to disclose the underlying variables and factors relationships and a mul- tiple linear regression to determine how is the correlation amongst these variables.