Federico Moura y la disputa por la construcción de sentidos en torno a los cuerpos y los roles de género durante la última dictadura cívico militar y la transición democrática
Federico Moura and the dispute over the construction of meanings around bodies and gender roles during the last civic-military dictatorship and the democratic transition
Roig, Rocío
Para entender el rol que tuvo y lo que significó Federico Moura -más allá de su música- en la escena local argentina a partir de 1981, cuando comenzó con su banda Virus, es importante contextualizarlo en un tiempo y espacio determinado a partir de trabajos de investigación que anteceden a este y libros que sumaran un aporte al reflejo del acto discursivo del artista. Lo que sucedía con Virus -pero sobre todo con Federico Moura- tenía que ver con su aspecto y desenvoltura arriba del escenario. Muchos consideraban inadecuado que un “rockero” se permitiera vestir colores y bailar mientras las calles continuaban militarizadas. In order to understand the role that Federico Moura played and what he meant -beyond his music- in the local Argentinean
music- in the Argentine local scene since 1981, when he started with his band Virus, it is important to contextualize him in a certain time and space from
Virus, it is important to contextualize him in a certain time and space based on research works that preceded research works that precede this one and books that will add a contribution to the reflection of the discursive act of the reflection of the artist's discursive act. What was happening with Virus -but above all with Federico Moura - had to do with his appearance and poise on stage.
Many considered it inappropriate that a "rocker" allowed himself to wear colors and dance while the streets continued to be militarized. Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Social