Statement of the Prolamin Working Group on the Determination of Gluten in Fermented Foods Containing Partially Hydrolyzed Gluten
Registro en:
Scherf, Katharina Anne
Catassi, Carlo
Chirdo, Fernando Gabriel
Ciclitira, Paul J.
Feighery, Conleth
Gianfrani, Carmen
Koning, Frits
Lundin, Knut E.A.
Masci, Stefania
Schuppan, Detlef
Smulders, Marinus J. M.
Tranquet, Olivier
Troncone, Riccardo
Koehler, Peter
On August 12, 2020, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has finalized a rule related to gluten-free labeling for foods containing fermented, hydrolyzed ingredients. The FDA believes that there is no scientifically valid analytical method effective for determining gluten in fermented or hydrolyzed foods. In the absence of an analytical method, the FDA has decided to evaluate gluten-free claims on these foods based only on evidence that the food or ingredient used is gluten-free before fermentation or hydrolysis. For example, barley-based beers from which gluten is removed during brewing using special filtration, adsorption and/or enzymatic treatment are therefore excluded from bearing a gluten-free label.
The Prolamin Working Group (PWG) acknowledges that the FDA rule is a regulatory act and might have to take into consideration several aspects other than scientific evidence, including risk assessment. Nevertheless, the PWG thinks that science has to be the most important driver for regulatory acts in risk management. Instituto de Estudios Inmunológicos y Fisiopatológicos