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On the dynamical response of lake Chapala, Mexico to lake breeze forcing
Filonov, A.E.
Fluctuations in the atmospheric characteristics, as well as variations in the water level of Lake Chapala are discussed. Field measurements of the atmospheric characteristics and lake level during December 1996 through January 1997 are described; using spectrum analysis of synchronous time series. The findings suggest that the variability is due to the diurnal cycle of atmospheric elements. Lake breeze circulation plays an important role in the area of Lake Chapala; since it was registered in 83% of the data. Periodic fluctuations in atmospheric pressure and wind generate significant seiche amplitudes in the lake, with the periods of about 6 h. With the help of a simple model, the seiche parameters are estimated. The amplitude of one-nodal seiches on one of the edges of the lake; is on average equal to 18 mm. This wave should generate currents of approximately 0.012 m s-1 at the lake's centre in the area of the nodal line. The experimental results on the thermal regime and circulation of Lake Chapala are discusssed as well. Surface temperature variations were registered at the eastern part of the lake. In all cross-sections, typical spatial variations of 3°C were registered, over a distance of 100-300 m. A bouy station registered movements of an internal thermal front in the body of the water. The leading edge of the front was accompanied by intense internal waves, in the form of internal KdeV solitones. The front near the buoy station was produced by the movement of a warm body of water travelling from the shallow eastern part of the lake and trigered by morning breeze.