WNT-β-catenin signaling pathway and its relationship with cancer [La vía de señalizacion Wnt-β-catenina y su relación con cancer]
Ochoa-Hernandez, A.B.
Juarez-Vazquez, C.I.
Rosales-Reynoso, M.A.
Barros-Nunez, P.
The Wnt-β-catenin signalling pathway plays a crucial role in the regulation, differentiation, proliferation and cellular death processes; consequently, alterations in this pathway are involved in nu-merous abnormalities of development, growth and homeostasis in animal organisms. Wnt proteins include a numerous family of secretion glycoprotein which joint to Frizzled receptors and Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor-related Protein, in order to stabilize the critical β -catenin protein, and to initiate an intricate signaling cascade, which is related to multiple nucleo-cytoplasmatic processes. Alterations in the canonical Wnt- β -catenin signaling pathway have been associated with variations in a number of proteins participating in this route, or with activation / inactivation of oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes, which explain different processes of tumorigenesis, in addition to a number of malformations and human diseases. This review describes the relations between the Wnt- β -catenin signaling pathway with different neoplasic processes, as well as its application in the diagnosis and prognosis of cancer.