Neurogenesis in alzheimer's disease: A realistic alternative to neuronal degeneration?
Balaev, D.A.
Belozerova, I.L.
Gokhfeld, D.M.
Kashkina, L.V.
Kuzmin Yu.I.
Michel, C.R.
Petrov, M.I.
Popkov, S.I.
Shaikhutdinov, K.A.
The influence of the structure of foamed polycrystalline bismuth-based superconductors on their critical currents and current-voltage characteristics is studied. It is found that superconducting foams have a fractal structure, and the fractal dimension of the boundary between the normal and superconducting phases is estimated. The magnetic and transport properties of superconducting foams are investigated, and the current-voltage characteristics are obtained in a wide range of currents. The effect of percolation phenomena on vortex pinning in a foamed superconductor is considered. The current-voltage characteristics of the superconducting foams at the beginning of the resistive transition are found to be in good agreement with a model in which a magnetic flux is assumed to be trapped in the fractal clusters of a normal phase. " Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2006.",,,,,,"10.1134/S1063783406020016",,,"","",,,,,,"2",,"Physics of the Solid State",,"207 212",,"48",,"Scopus WOS",,,,,,,,,,,,"Current-voltage characteristics of a foamed Bi1.8Pb 0.3Sr2Ca2Cu3Ox high-temperature superconductor with fractal cluster structure",,"Article"
"44865","123456789/35008",,"González-Castañeda, R.E., Department of Neuroscience, Centro Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad de Guadalajara. Guadalajara, Jalisco 44340, Mexico, Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, División de Ciencias de la Salud, Escuela de Medicina, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico; Galvez-Contreras, A.Y., Department of Neuroscience, Centro Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad de Guadalajara. Guadalajara, Jalisco 44340, Mexico; Luquín, S., Department of Neuroscience, Centro Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad de Guadalajara. Guadalajara, Jalisco 44340, Mexico; Gonzalez-Perez, O., Department of Neuroscience, Centro Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad de Guadalajara. Guadalajara, Jalisco 44340, Mexico",,"Gonzalez-Castaneda, R.E. Galvez-Contreras, A.Y. Luquin, S. Gonzalez-Perez, O.",,"2011",,"Neural stem cells (NSC) are cells that have the capacity to generate multiple types of differentiated brain cells. In conditions in which there is a loss of key functional cell groups, such as neurons, inducing or introducing neural stem cells to replace the function of those cells that were lost during the disease has the greatest potential therapeutic applications. Indeed, the achievement of one of the main objectives of various investigations is already on the horizon for some conditions, such as Alzheimer's disease. It is not known whether impaired neurogenesis contributes to neuronal depletion and cognitive dysfunction in Alzheimer's disease (AD). The results of the different investigations are controversial; some studies have found that neurogenesis is increased in AD brains, but others have not. " 2011 Bentham Science Publishers.