A new GPS velocity field for the pacific plate - Part 1: Constraints on plate motion, intraplate deformation, and the viscosity of pacific basin asthenosphere
Cortez-Baheza, E.
Cruz-Fernandez, F.
Hernandez-Alvarez, M.I.
Peraza-Luna, F.
Aguado-Santacruz, G.A.
Serratos-Arevalo, J.C.
Ponce, P.P.
Gonzalez-Chavira, M.M.
Torres-Pacheco, I.
Guevara-Olvera, L.
Guevara-Gonzalez, R.G.
The aim of this study was to characterize the transcriptional expression patterns of a new lea gene isolated in a previous work from C. annuum cv. caballero seeds when osmoprimed with PEG and GA3. Capsicum annuum is one of the main horticultural crops in México and routinely their seeds have problems when germinating. To correct this problem, osmopriming treatments based on PEG and GA has been used to improve their vigor. Osmopriming is a strategy developed to improve vigor during seed storage, which causes a reduction in germinability and seedling establishment. Osmopriming consists of the pre-imbibition of seeds in a solution containing an inert osmotic agent such as polyethylene glycol (PEG). In combination with PEG, several other compounds such as gibberellic acid (GA) can be used in order to improve the vigor of seeds. Several ESTs with high induced expression in the osmopriming treatment displayed high homology to LEA proteins and one of them corresponded to a complete cDNA coding a new LEA protein of 73 amino acids (Calea 73 gene). This gene was highly induced in osmoprimed treatments in which KNO3 instead of GA3 was used in combination with PEG on C. annuum cv. caballero seeds. To our knowledge this is the shortest lea gene reported so far. " 2008 Asian Network for Scientific Information.",,,,,,,,,"","",,,,,,"1",,"International Journal of Botany",,"77 84",,"4",,"Scopus",,,,,,"Abscisic acid; Capsicum annuum; LEA proteins; Osmopriming; Water stress",,,,,,"A new lea gene is induced during osmopriming of Capsicum annuum L. seeds",,"Article"
"40814","123456789/35008",,"Guzmán, G., Instituto de Ecología, Apartado Postal 63, Xalapa 91000, Mexico; Guzmán-Dávalos, L., Departamento de Botánica y Zoología, Universidad de Guadalajara, Apartado Postal 1-139, Zapopan, Jalisco 45101, Mexico; Ramírez-Guillen, F., Instituto de Ecología, Apartado Postal 63, Xalapa 91000, Mexico; Del Refugio Sánchez-Jácome, M., Departamento de Botánica y Zoología, Universidad de Guadalajara, Apartado Postal 1-139, Zapopan, Jalisco 45101, Mexico",,"Guzman, G. Guzman-Davalos, L. Ramirez-Guillen, F. Del Refugio Sanchez-Jacome, M.",,"2008",,"Psilocybe meridionalis is described as a new species from an oak-pine subtropical forest in the western mountains of the state of Jalisco, Mexico, Because of its bluing feature, annulus and subrhomboid basidiospores, this species belongs to section Stuntzii. The smaller spores and presence of pleurocystidia distinguish this species from the others in the section. This is the first record of a member of section Stuntzii from Mexico.",,,,,,,,,"","",,,,,,,,"Mycotaxon",,"27 31",,"103",,"Scopus WOS",,,,,,"New edition; Psilocybe monograph",,,,,,"A new bluing species of Psilocybe (Basidiomycota, Agaricales, Strophariaceae) - The first record of section Stuntzii for Mexico",,"Article"
"40810","123456789/35008",,"Burgos, J.E., University of Guadalajara, Guadalajara Jalisco 45030, Mexico",,"Burgos, J.E.",,"2001",,"In their account of learning and behavior, the authors define an interactor as emitted behavior that operates on the environment, which excludes Pavlovian learning. A unified neural-network account of the operant-Pavlovian dichotomy favors interpreting neurons as interactors and synaptic efficacies as replicators. The latter interpretation implies that single-synapse change is inherently Lamarckian.",,,,,,,,,"","",,,,,,"3",,"Behavioral and Brain Sciences",,"531 532",,"24",,"Scopus WOS",,,,,,,,,,,,"A neural-network interpretation of selection in learning and behavior",,"Article"
"40821","123456789/35008",,"Demets, C., Department of Geoscience, University of Wisconsin-MadisonMadison, WI, United States; Márquez-Azúa, B., Centro Universitario de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, Universidad de GuadalajaraGuadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico; Cabral-cano, E., Departmento de Geomagnetismo y Exploración, Instituo de Geofisica, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad UniversitariaMéxico, D.F., Mexico",,"Demets, C. Marquez-azua, B. Cabral-cano, E.",,"2014",,"We combine new, well-determined GPS velocities from Clarion, Guadalupe and Socorro islands on young seafloor in the eastern Pacific basin with newly estimated velocities for 26 GPS sites from older seafloor in the central, western and southern parts of the Pacific Plate to test for deformation within the interior of the Pacific Plate and estimate the viscosity of the asthenosphere below the plate. Relative to a Pacific Plate reference frame defined from the velocities of the 26 GPS sites in other areas of the Pacific Plate, GPS sites on Clarion and Guadalupe islands in the eastern Pacific move 1.2 0.6 mm yr. -1 (1?) towards S09 W 38 and 1.9 0.3 mm yr.-1 towards S19 E 10 , respectively. The two velocities, which are consistent within their 95 per cent uncertainties, both differ significantly from Pacific Plate motion. Transient volcanic deformation related to a 1993-1996 eruption of the Socorro Island shield volcano renders our GPS velocity from that island unreliable for the tectonic analysis although its motion is also southward like those of Clarion and Guadalupe islands. We test but reject the possibilities that drift of Earth's origin in ITRF2008 or unmodelled elastic offsets due to large-magnitude earthquakes around the Pacific rim since 1993 can be invoked to explain the apparent slow southward motions of Clarion and Guadalupe islands. Similarly, corrections to the Pacific Plate GPS velocity field for possible viscoelastic deformation triggered by large-magnitude earthquakes since 1950 also fail to explain the southward motions of the two islands. Viscoelastic models with prescribed asthenospheric viscosities lower than 1 1019 Pa s instead introduce statistically significant inconsistencies into the Pacific Plate velocity field, suggesting that the viscosity of the asthenosphere below the plate is higher than 1 1019 Pa s. Elastic deformation from locked Pacific-North America Plate boundary faults is also too small to explain the southward motions of the two islands. Horizontal thermal contraction of the plate interior may explain the motion observed at Clarion and Guadalupe islands, as might long-term tectonic deformation of the plate interior. " The Authors 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Royal Astronomical Society.