Actividad de murciélagos (chiroptera) en cuerpos de agua y su relación con variables ambientales en la reserva de la biosfera La Michilia, Durango
2008-10-22Registro en:
Gómez Ruiz, Emma Patricia. (2007). Actividad de murciélagos (chiroptera) en cuerpos de agua y su relación con variables ambientales en la reserva de la biosfera La Michilia, Durango. Tesis (Maestro en Ciencias). Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigación para el desarrollo Integral Regional, Unidad Durango. Ciudad de México.
Gómez Ruiz, Emma Patricia
El objetivo de este trabajo fue describir, mediante el uso de detectores acústicos y redes de niebla, los patrones de actividad de murciélagos en siete abrevaderos o bordos de la reserva durante la temporada de lluvias y de secas. Asimismo, se evaluó la correlación entre la actividad de murciélagos y una serie de variables ambientales.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Murciélagos actividad, Variables ambientales, La Michilía, Detectores acústicos. ABSTRACT
Using heterodyne echolocation signals and mist nets we described activity patterns of insectivorous bats in seven cattle ponds within the reserve. Also we related bat activity with a set of environmental variables (temperature, relative humidity, moon phase, pond area) in the rain and dry seasons. Activity patterns were similar for the ponds, with the highest peak of activity in the first hour after sunset. Bat activity was positively correlated with temperature and moon illumination. Relative humidity, wind, aquatic vegetation, age, and size of the pond had no significant effect. Evidence suggest that the ponds are being used as foraging sites in both seasons.
Total activity was significantly higher during the dry season. Mist net data indicate that the bat assemblages using these ponds differ between seasons. During the rain season mostly water-surface foragers were
caught, whereas in the dry season forest/ clearing aerial and open air foragers were
the most frequent captures, this suggest that ponds become important for a wider number of species during the dry season, probably because these are the only places that provide surface water. The ponds with the highest total activity were the biggest and oldest, we recommend to manage
these sites taking this characteristics in consideration.
KEY WORDS: Bat activity, Environmental variables, La Michilía, Acoustic detectors.