Discriminative training and unusual stimulus equivalence as effects of consistency training with usual stimuli
Efeitos de história de treino sobre a formaçâo de c1asses de estímulos equivaleutes
Waleska de Lima Barros, Cláudia
Galvâo Baptista, Marcelo Quintino
Alves de Assis, Grauben José
Studies using stimulus consistency training without differential consequences through sample/S+ matching involving three choice pairing of usual stimuli (easily discriminated figures) resulted in the formation of stimulus equivalence classes by adults subjects with no prior experimental participation. The aim of this experiment was to verify whether, after being submitted to training in conditional discriminations without reinforcement, and to tests of symmetry and equivalence involving usual figures (Condition 1), four experimentally naive university students would respond consistentIy to training, also without reiforncement, and form stimulus equivalence classes (unusual figures) in another situation (Condition 2). The AB, AD, and AD training sequence was employed, followed by tests of emergent relations in blocks of 36 triaIs. In both training conditions, one consistency stimulus (SC) was always matched to the sample together with two inconsistency stimuli (Si), one of which was present in each of two successive trials. In Condition 1, the subjects demonstrated the conditional relations; three subjetcs formed the emergent relations, and one subjetc did not respond to symmetry testing. In Condition 2, three subjetcs reached the learning criterion and showed the emergent relations tested, These results indicate that the consistency training based on the nature of the stimuli in Condition 1was relevant for successful performance in the subsequent condition. Estudos usando o treino por consistência de estímulos sem conseqüências diferenciais através de um pareamento com o modelo envolvendo três escolhas por tentativa (figuras fácilmente discrimináveis), produziram a formçâo de classes de estímulos, em humanos adultos sem historia experimental. O presente experimento buscou verificar se, após submetidos a um treino de discnminaçôes condicionáis, sem reforçamento, e a testes de simetria e de equivalência envolvendo figuras usuais (Condiçâo 1), quatro universitários sem história experimental responderiam consistentemente ao treino, também sem reforçamento, e forrnariam classes de estímulos equivalentes (figuras nâo usuais) numa outra situaçáo (Condíçâo 2). Foi usado o treino AB, AC e AD, seguido de testes de relaçôes emergentes, em blocos de 36 tentativas. No treino, em ambas as condiçôes, um estímulo consistente (SC) era sempre pareado com o modelo, juntamente de dois estimulos inconsistentes (Si), um dos quais presente a cada duas tentativas seguidas. Na Condiçâo 1, os sujeitos demonstraram as relaçôes condicionais; três sujeitos formaram as relaçôes emergentes e um nâo respondeu nos testes de simetria. Na Condiçâo 2, três sujeitos atingiram o critério de aprendizagem no treino e formaram as relaçôes testadas. Esses resultados indicam que o pareamento usado e a natureza dos estímulos na Condiçâo 1 foram relevantes para o desempenho verificado na Condiçâo 2.