Costa Rica
| artículo científico
Residuos de insecticidas organofosforados en repollo (Brassica oleracea var. capitata)
Carazo Rojas, Elizabeth
Fuentes González, Gilbert
Constenla Umaña, Manuel Arturo
Pesticide residues from organophosphorus insecticides were determined colorimetrically in cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata) var. "Golden Acre", ready for shipment to the market. The cabbage studied came from Palmira de Alfaro Ruiz, the main producing area of Costa Rica. The last Dipterex 95% PS application of 3 Kg/ha before sampling was made one day before the 1st harvest. The 1st harvest was May 02, 1975, and the average Dipterex residue found was 0.46 ppm. The 2nd was on May 09, 1975, and the average residue was 0.30 ppm. The last harvest was on May 17, 1975, and the residue was 0.14 ppm. The residue levels found are judged high by FAO and USA standards, which recommend a maximum tolerance of 0.1 ppm. However the values are within the permissible limits for Holland, Germany, and Poland (0.5 ppm), and even more so for Czecholovakia and URSS countries which allow residues up to 1 ppm.