Artículo de revista
Day-ahead unit commitment for hydro-thermal coordination with high participation of wind power
2022Registro en:
Universidad Autónoma de Occidente
Repositorio Educativo Digital UAO
Zuluaga, Jorge
Murillo Sánchez, Carlos E.
Moreno Chuquen, Ricardo
Chamorro, Harold R.
Sood, Vijay K.
The variability and uncertainty of renewable resources impose new challenges in the
operational planning related to the unit commitment of generation units. The development
of day‐ahead multi‐period optimal power flow, under integration of wind power, requires
modelling of multiple scenarios in order to ensure an optimal power flow minimising the
generation cost. A progressive hedging approach has been proposed and developed to
solve efficiently the unit commitment problem as a two‐stage stochastic programming
problem to update each stage in parallel. The performance of progressive hedging is
compared with a standard mixed‐integer linear programming problem. The results indicate
that the computation time is 50 times faster than standard mixed‐integer linear program ming. The test case system is based on a reduced version of the interconnected Colombian
system. The comparative results indicate an important reduction in computational time