Urraca I, "praeparatio", revolts and diplomacy. A queen's work in the sociopolitical context of the kingdom of León in the first half of the 12th century

dc.creatorUniversidad San Sebastián
dc.creatorUniversidad San Sebastián
dc.creatorUniversidad San Sebastián
dc.creatorUniversidad San Sebastián
dc.creatorUniversidad San Sebastián
dc.creatorMolina, Ángel G.Gordo
dc.description.abstractThis article aims to show Queen Urraca I de Lepn (1109-1126) in her role as owner and heiress. Thanks to the praeparatio institution, which permitted the leonese infantes in conjunction with the idoneitas, add to their own innate capacities, the occupational abilities, the lioness sovereign was able to exercise her dignity by overcoming the Iberian political and social changes in the twelfth century. The Queen had to employ diplomacy and military authority in diverse situations such as the Portuguese attempts of independence, the struggles with Alfonso I king of Aragpn and Pamplona, the dominance of archbishop of Compostela, Diego II Gelmirez and the bourgeois political forces, an emerging social player in the lordly society scenario of the regnum-Imperium legionense.
dc.relationStudi Medievali
dc.titleUrraca I, «praeparatio», revueltas y diplomacia. Labores de una reina en el contexto sociopolítico del reino de León en la primera mitad del siglo XII
dc.titleUrraca I, "praeparatio", revolts and diplomacy. A queen's work in the sociopolitical context of the kingdom of León in the first half of the 12th century

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